“ 5 years and I am extremely happy with the care and expertise Shanna has shown with my horses “

" I have boarded at some of the most exclusive barns in NY, NJ and FL, but I have to say, my favorite place has to be Sunday Best Farm. The care at Sunday Best rallies the $1200 + month boarding facilities, but what makes Sunday Best stand out for me, is the generous, friendly people and the relaxed atmosphere there - which is evident by the way the animals behave ' '

“She takes great care on maintaining the horses at her farm and goes above and beyond to keep them healthy”

" We know that we can leave our horses and never have to worry "

“ I would have never believed you if you had told me I would be riding English and even showing one day!! Thank you Shanna, you’re the best !! “

“ Shanna treated my mare with respect and kindness, working through her various issues with patience and consideration “

" Shanna excels as a trainer and has trained over 12 horses for me of all breeds and disciplines "